Services | visa3I

Australian Citizenship

What is Australian citizenship by conferral?

'To confer' is just another way of saying ‘to present an honour or gift’. Australian citizenship is most definitely a gift – it’s your official entry into the Australian community. Australian citizenship by conferral is your final step in your immigration journey.

Manly Beach - Family Visa

Permanent Residents/ NZ citizens

This Australian citizenship by conferral application is for:

Australian permanent residents aged 18-59 years*
  • *Note: people 60 years or over may apply in the same manneras Permanent Residents/ Eligible New Zealand citizens; however, the CitizenshipTest is not required.
Children aged 16 or 17 years
Children aged 15 years or younger who are applying together with a parent or guardian
Eligible New Zealand citizens
Partners of Australians or refugee/humanitarian migrants
Australian visa and citizenship application and representation services Melbourne, Australia.
Registered Migration Agent Australia. Australian Citizenship, full advice and preparation services.

Applicants for Australian citizenship by conferral (Permanent residents/Eligible NZ citizens) must:

Meet the residence requirements (unless exemptions apply), namely:
  • You have been in Australia for at least 4 years before applying
  • 1 year of those 4 years must be as the holder of a permanent residence visa
  • Cannot have been absent from Australia for:
    - Either 12 months (total) in the 4 years before applying, OR
    - More the 90 days in the 12 months before applying
  • Must not have been in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen during this period
Be of ‘good character’
Know about Australia. Passing the Citizenship test will prove this.
Have basic knowledge of the English language. Passing the Citizenship test will demonstrate this knowledge.
Have a close and continuing link with Australia– for example, having business/ work in Australia or friends/ family in Australia.

Cost of Application

$560 or $345 for applicants aged 16 or 17 (and applicants 60 years or over).

Case Study

A long journey to Australian citizenship

Overall, our clients have had a positive experience with Australian citizenship by conferral applications. Sometimes, the client’s journey to citizenship is challenging, so the grant of citizenship is a very sweet victory. We will never forget one client in particular. A Chef at a small restaurant in Sydney, he started his Australian journey with his wife and four children. Beginning with a temporary employer-sponsored visa (subclass457), all of his Australia visa applications were up-hill battles.

Endless requests for further information, responses to comments on adverse information, lost documents, unhelpful Delegates and employers. The client’s anxieties hit an all-time high with the refusal of his Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) application. Fortunately, at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), we presented a submission to the Member that resulted in a decision ‘on the papers’ – a victory without the need for a Hearing.

Australian citizenship was now in his family’s sights. The client’s citizenship application was the only application in 10 years that progressed without issue (well, only if you don’t count that his local council rescheduled his citizenship ceremony due to COVID-19 restrictions!).

The day he attended the ceremony, he called us to thank us for all the effort over the years. What an incredibly proud moment for all of us! 

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Over 1250 happy Australian visa and citizenship clients. Successful applications thanks to Visa3i.